Atti2de On Demand

The flexlible solution that measure candidates’ and employees’ Aptitudes and Soft Skills, when you need and without any additional obligation.

With Atti2de “On Demand”, and thanks to its exclusive access for two monthes to the dedicated Back Office platform, you may autonomously discover and manage the aptitudinal profile of 15 candidates within a single recruitment and selection process.

You have only to invite candidates to play on to match their Profile with the ideal one identified for a selected job and and to discover the more fitting ones.

At only 300 € (vat excl.) you will have, for all candidates, a scientifically calculated Profile and a specific ranking complete of Strenghts and Weaknesses.

Contact us for a free demo or additional details

  On Demand
User Licence 2 months
Selections Projects 1
Ideal Profiles to Match 1
Users 1 Editor
Tests Included 15
Price (vat. excl.) € 300